Remember those endless summers when you were a child?
One golden day after another filled with exploration, play, and swimming. There is nothing better than a beach on a hot, sticky summer day - unless you add a popsicle or two to the picture.
Our lake serves as the perfect setting for your own family's summer fun. Sit back and relax as your children play in a fountain, slide down a water slide, take daring leaps off the diving board, jump on the water trampoline or dare to try the Blob! When it is time for rest period, they can head for the wide sandy beach or playground for more fun. We've seen some fine looking sand castles out there.
A full-service snack bar is available for hungry beach-goers. And picnic tables can become the center of a family meal or even a birthday party.
Safety is the top priority. The 2½-acre, cement-lined lake is divided into four areas. Children must pass a test to move into a higher skill area. American Red Cross lifeguards are on duty.
For a change of pace, beach-goers can work on their tans on the sun deck or rest under a cabana or shade tree. What a perfect setting for hours of enjoyment and relaxation!